The changing face of the “King of Pop” has been constantly mystified, analyzed and without any doubt, it was an inevitable part of Jackson’s persona. Have you ever wondered what would have happened if Michael Jackson hadn’t taken a plastic surgery? – Well, a few years ago, Daily Mail did wonder and decided to determine what Micheal Jackon would have looked like without plastic surgery.
They took old photos of Jackson and used PCs to determine the moonwalker’s real face.

Jackson’s skin was a medium-brown color throughout his youth but starting in the mid 1980s, his skin gradually grew more pale, which was due to vitiligo. The causes of Vitiligo are not known, but a range of genetic, auto-immune, and environmental causes are suspected. Between 1% and 2% of the worldwide population are considered to be affected. The depigmentation occurs in patches and affects all ethnic/racial groups equally.
Jackson’s physical changes gained widespread media coverage, and provoked criticism from the public. African American psychologists argued Jackson was “a lousy role model for black youth.” Dr. Dennis Chestnut said Jackson gave “black youth a feeling that they can achieve”, but also may encourage some people to think they’ve got to be esoteric and idiosyncratic to be successful. It was also presumed that Jackson bleached his skin just to boost his career. But the real reason was because it was treatment for his skin disorder.

Over time, Jackson’s facial structure changed as well. Surgeons speculated he also had a rhinoplasty, a forehead lift, cheekbone surgery, altered his lips, and had a cleftput in his chin.Though he did deny this, and it is his face.According to biographer J. Randy Taraborrelli, Jackson had his first rhinoplasty after breaking his nose during a complex dance routine in 1979. However, the surgery was not a complete success, and he complained of breathing difficulties that would affect his career. He was referred to Steven Hoefflin, who performed his second rhinoplasty in 1981.Katherine Jackson, though, has said in a recent interview that Michael intentionally got his first nosejob from Steven Hoefflin. Taraborrelli stated Jackson had a third rhinoplasty three years later and a fourth in 1986.Jackson wrote in his 1988 autobiography Moonwalk that, in addition to the two rhinoplasties, he also had a dimple created in his chin.From 1986 onward he was a regular client of Arnold Klein, a dermatologist who specializes in dermal filler injection, a non-surgical cosmetic procedure.

In his book, Jackson attributed the changes in the structure of his face to puberty, a strict vegetarian diet, weight loss, a change in hair style and stage lighting.ackson denied allegations that he had altered his eyes.By 1990, the full extent of Jackson’s surgery was widely debated; those close to him estimated he had undergone ten operations on his face up to this point. In June 1992, the Daily Mirror ran a full front-page picture, allegedly of Jackson’s face, which they described as “hideously disfigured” by plastic surgery. Jackson sued the tabloid, and, in 1998, they agreed to an out-of-court settlement with Jackson. At the High Court, the paper’s former editor acknowledged that after meeting Jackson in person, he believed that Jackson was neither hideously disfigured nor scarred at all. A Daily Mirror solicitor maintained that the publication did not tamper with the picture
Media reports stated that Jackson’s autopsy reported one scar beside each of his nostrils, one scar behind each of his ears, and two scars on his neck, “probably” from cosmetic surgery, plus cosmetic tattoos on his eyebrows, around his eyes and lips, and on his scalp (at his receding hairline).
In the unedited version of the documentary Living With Michael Jackson, which was shown in court in 2005, Jackson said he had two procedures on his nose so that he could breathe better. When he was asked about his cheeks, Jackson answered: “These cheekbones? No. My father has the same thing. We have Indian blood.