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The rusting remains of the Tangalooma Wrecks, which were deliberately sunk to provide a breakwall for smaller boats

Moreton Island, the third largest sand island in the world is located on the coast of southeast Queensland, Australia. The Tangalooma wrecked boats are one of the most famous wrecks in Australia, located just off the coast of Moreton Island, near the township of Tangalooma.

Which, during the 1950s, was the site for one of the largest whaling stations in the southern hemisphere. Lead Photo/Imgur

The Tangalooma Wrecks - Situated on the western side of Moreton Island. Source
The Tangalooma Wrecks – Situated on the western side of Moreton Island. Source


The first of the Tangalooma Wrecks were placed in 1963, one year after the whaling station ceased operations. Source
The first of the Tangalooma Wrecks were placed in 1963, one year after the whaling station ceased operations. Source

The wrecks comprises of fifteen deliberately sunk  vessels near the coast to form a breakwall for small boats, also creating an amazing wreck dive and snorkel site in the process.

The Tangalooma Wrecks provide good diving in depths from 2-10 meters and the crystal clear waters provide fantastic visibility up to 8 meters.

The vessels were purposely placed in the area in the 1960s to provide a natural harbour for boats. Source
The vessels were purposely placed in the area in the 1960s to provide a natural harbour for boats. Source


The ships are stated to have been steam dredges and barges that were no longer used by the Harbours and Marine Department. Source
The ships are stated to have been steam dredges and barges that were no longer used by the Harbours and Marine Department. Source

Their history dates back to 1963 when a group of boat owners asked to have something done for safer anchorage and requested the construction of a man-made harbour just off the island. As a result of lobbying, their request was granted and approximately fifteen junk ships were buried in a sandbank off Moreton Island.

The huge structure created a break-wall, which served as a sanctuary to protect smaller boats. The decommissioned vessels included old barges, dredges, and flatboats. The Maryborough was the first vessel that was sunk in the waters.

One of the most famous wrecks in Australia. Source
One of the most famous wrecks in Australia. Source


Even in this shallow water, the wrecks attract an amazing amount of marine life. Source
Even in this shallow water, the wrecks attract an amazing amount of marine life. Source

One of the most attractive features of the wrecks is the variety of sea creatures that are found at the site, such as colorful tropical fishes, Kingfish, yellowtail, and wobbegongs. Recently the tops have been cut off them and signs advising not to climb on them have been erected to make it a safer swimming environment.

David Goran

David Goran is one of the authors writing for The Vintage News