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We’re Shocked by King Charles III’s Crazy Work Schedule and Meager Meals

Photo Credit: Victoria Jones - WPA Pool / Paolo Picciotto / Universal Images Group / Rob Dawson / Bloomberg / Getty Images)
Photo Credit: Victoria Jones - WPA Pool / Paolo Picciotto / Universal Images Group / Rob Dawson / Bloomberg / Getty Images)

King Charles III’s former press secretary has revealed the new monarch’s stressful work schedule and strange eating habits, giving us a glimpse into the hectic life of the Royal Family.

Charles’ ‘relentless’ schedule

Prior to becoming King, Charles and his wife (now Queen Consort) Camilla were patrons of over 500 charities. Collectively, the former Prince of Wales’s charities fundraised over £100 million each year. With a packed schedule of engagements and keeping up to date with state affairs, it seems Charles has become a bit of a workaholic.

King Charles III signs a contract
King Charles III signs an oath to uphold the security of the Church in Scotland, during a meeting of the Accession Council to proclaim him as the new King. (Photo Credit: Victoria Jones / POOL / AFP via Getty Images)

Charles’ working day is “pretty relentless,” says former press secretary Julian Payne. The King engages in several daily back-to-back meetings planning his next charity project or Royal tour, as well as conversations with his private secretary, Sir Clive Alderton, to stay up to date on political issues. When Charles isn’t preparing for future events, he is out attending Parliament or Royal appearances during parades and holidays like Remembrance Sunday and Trooping of the Colour.

The King loves to eat seeds, wild mushrooms, and lamb

What does King Charles eat to keep him fueled for his busy work days? With his own team of private chefs, we can only assume the array of incredible meals the Royal could choose from – but surprisingly, Charles doesn’t eat much.

Charles and Camilla look over a table of desserts
Prince Charles (now King Charles III) Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall at the Big Jubilee Lunch in 2022 to mark the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. (Photo Credit: Samir Hussein / WireImage / Getty Images)

According to Payne, the King’s day starts with “the radio news headlines and a breakfast of seasonal fruit salad and seeds with tea.” He added, “The King doesn’t eat lunch; so, an early lesson I learned when out on the road with him was to have a big breakfast or bring a few snack bars with you to keep you going.”

By 1 pm, Charles takes a break from work to go for a walk as the King “dislikes being inside for too long and always has the windows wide open.” Said Payne. His first proper meal of the day comes at 5 pm when the King will take a break for tea, sandwiches, and a piece of fruitcake – often with the Queen Consort Camilla.

Prince Charles sniffs wild mushrooms
Prince Charles inspects a box of wild mushrooms at a market in Slovenia. (Photo Credit: Tim Graham Photo Library via Getty Images)

Following tea, it’s back to work signing piles of paperwork until dinner at 8:30 pm. The King’s favorite meal to eat at the end of a long day? Wild mushroom risotto with organic lamb, but according to The Daily Mirror’s Royal Editor Russell Myers, the mushrooms “obviously must be foraged from his own estate.”

Former Royal Chef Darren McGrady shared more about the King’s fondness for fungi. “He loves wild mushrooms and would take his chefs to Balmoral to show them where the best mushrooms are. We brought them back to Buckingham Palace and they were the most amazing porcini mushrooms.”

More from us: King Charles III Met 10 US Presidents. Here’s How Each Visit Went

To follow dinner, the King heads back to his desk by 10 pm where he stays until “well past midnight.” Clearly, a King’s work is never done!

Elisabeth Edwards

Elisabeth Edwards is a public historian and history content writer. After completing her Master’s in Public History at Western University in Ontario, Canada Elisabeth has shared her passion for history as a researcher, interpreter, and volunteer at local heritage organizations.

She also helps make history fun and accessible with her podcast The Digital Dust Podcast, which covers topics on everything from art history to grad school.

In her spare time, you can find her camping, hiking, and exploring new places. Elisabeth is especially thrilled to share a love of history with readers who enjoy learning something new every day!

The Digital Dust Podcast