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Today in History: June 25th, 2009

Photo Credit: Hulton Archive / Getty Images
Photo Credit: Hulton Archive / Getty Images

Farrah Fawcett loses her battle against cancer

On June 25, 2009, the world said goodbye to a beloved TV and movie star, Farrah Fawcett. Her passing happened on the same day as the shocking death of Michael Jackson, making it a harrowing day for many.

Farrah Fawcett was born on February 2, 1947, in Texas. She became famous in the 1970s when she starred as Jill Munroe in the television show Charlie’s Angels. However, you may also remember her from the famous poster featuring her in a red swimsuit – it was everywhere back then!

Headshot of Farrah Fawcett.
Farrah Fawcett photographed in 1976. (Photo Credit: ABC Photo Archives / Disney General Entertainment Content / Getty Images)

After Charlie’s Angels, Farrah acted in movies like Logan’s Run (1976) and Saturn 3 (1980). She was a multi-faceted actress who could take on serious roles too, like in the television movie The Burning Bed (1984). Fawcett’s fame made people deeply interested in her personal life, and things like her marriage to actor Lee Majors and her relationship with Ryan O’Neal, made often headlining news.

In 2006, Farrah was diagnosed with cancer. She fought hard and shared her journey in a documentary called Farrah’s Story. Despite her bravery, she passed away after losing the fight against cancer on June 25, 2009, when she was just 62 years old.

More from us: Farrah Fawcett and Lee Majors Inspired the Hit Song “Midnight Train to Georgia”

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Farrah Fawcett’s legacy goes beyond acting. She’s remembered for her beauty, strength, and for speaking out about cancer. Even though some believed her death was overshadowed by Michael Jackson’s, her impact on TV, film, and awareness about cancer will always be remembered. Today, we honor her and the mark she left on the world.

TVN News Poster

TVN News Poster is one of the authors writing for The Vintage News