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Today in History: July 5th, 2003

Photo Credit: Mathieu Polak / Sygma / Sygma / Getty Images
Photo Credit: Mathieu Polak / Sygma / Sygma / Getty Images

The first cloned sheep is born

Today, on July 5th, we remember a significant event in the world of science. It’s the anniversary of the birth of Dolly the sheep, a special sheep whose story changed how we think about cloning and genetics.

Back on July 5, 1996, at the Roslin Institute in Scotland, Dolly the sheep came into the world. What made Dolly unique was how she was born. Scientists used a new method called somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) to create her. They took a cell from an adult sheep’s mammary gland and put its nucleus into an egg cell with its own nucleus removed. It was a big breakthrough because Dolly was the first mammal cloned from an adult cell.

Dolly the Sheep.
Dolly the Sheep, the world’s first cloned mammal, circa 2000. (Photo Credit: Getty Images)

Dolly became famous worldwide. She lived at the Roslin Institute and became a star of scientific research. Her existence showed that adult cells could be reprogrammed to create an entire organism. But it also sparked debates about the ethics of cloning and genetic manipulation.

Dolly faced health problems during her life, like arthritis at a young age. Sadly, she was diagnosed with a lung disease and was put to sleep on February 14, 2003. Despite her short life, Dolly’s legacy is immense. She pushed forward our understanding of cloning and genetics. Today, her preserved remains are displayed at the National Museum of Scotland.

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On this day, we remember Dolly the sheep and her remarkable journey. She showed us what was possible in science but also raised important questions about ethics. Dolly’s story continues to inspire research and discussions about the future of genetic science. She may have been just a sheep, but her impact on the world of science is truly extraordinary.

TVN News Poster

TVN News Poster is one of the authors writing for The Vintage News