Today in History: September 23rd, 1938

Photo Credit: Bettmann / Getty Images

The Westinghouse Time Capsule

On September 23, 1938, a unique event took place at the 1939 New York World’s Fair: the burial of the Westinghouse time capsule. This grand exposition, which celebrated technological advancements and the future, was the perfect setting for this ambitious project. The time capsule was carefully placed underground at the Fair’s site, with plans to open it in the year 6939, making it a 5,000-year time capsule.

The Westinghouse time capsule, 1938. (Photo Credit: Bettmann / Getty Images)

The Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Company created the time capsule to give future generations a glimpse into life in the late 1930s. Inside the capsule, you’ll find a collection of photographs, microfilm with important documents, and various everyday objects from that era. Each item was chosen to represent the technological and cultural aspects of the time, providing a snapshot of the world as it was then.

This time capsule symbolizes the optimism and excitement of the early 20th century. It was meant to showcase the era’s confidence in the future and highlight the rapid technological progress being made. The idea was to create a lasting message for people far in the future, giving them a sense of what life was like in the past.

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As we look forward to the opening of the time capsule in the year 6939, it’s fascinating to think about what future generations will discover. The Westinghouse time capsule stands as a testament to the enduring human desire to connect with those who come after us, and it remains a key part of the legacy of the 1939 World’s Fair.

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