What if humans were evolved from an owl or a raccoon? A 17th Century French artist’s portraits will give you the answer.. Strangeness
Green Line in Beirut-The green foliage that marked the no man’s land during the Lebanese Civil War (1975-1990) Abandoned Spaces
Invented to boost the sale of the newspaper L’Auto, the first Tour de France was held in 1903 Strangeness Self-Propelled
So, Michael Jackson patented special shoes for his epic anti-gravity lean, and nothing will be the same again… Glamour Strangeness
Up Until 1940s, American weathermen were forbidden to use the word “tornado” in the weather forecast. … News Strangeness
The march of hate- when the Ku Klux Klan paraded through the streets of the U.S capital in 1926 Strangeness
The Canary Girls- Story of the Munitionettes and how the poisons of WWI turned them yellow … Strangeness
The wreck that laid forgotten for three centuries – La Belle single-handedly changed history News Self-Propelled
Retrieving the glory of the forgotten ruins in Europe- urban exploration photos by Kenneth Provost Abandoned Spaces Lifestyle