Before Radar, they used these giant concrete “Sound Mirrors” to detect incoming enemy aircraft Abandoned Spaces Strangeness
The Bavarian town of Nördlingen is embedded with millions of tiny diamonds, thanks to an asteroid of 15 million years ago Strangeness News
Lee Van Cleef, the “Bad” in Leone’s classic Western, was a decorated sonarman on a WWII minesweeper News
Bonsai tree planted in 1625 has survived Hiroshima and is still flourishing at the National Arboretum in Washington D.C. News
The British Museum Citole: One of the most remarkable extant medieval instruments dating from the early 14th Century News
Badbury Rings: An Iron Age hill fort where King Arthur reportedly fought his greatest battle against the Saxons News Videos
While working as a prop boy, John Wayne met Wyatt Earp; He later credited his walk, talk, and persona to his acquaintance with Earp Glamour News
Chemist Humphry Davy was the first person in history to inhale laughing gas, and soon he was doing it three times a day News