Terry, the ultra-professional canine actor who played Toto, earned more than most of “The Wizard of Oz” cast Glamour
For EPCOT, Walt Disney envisioned a utopian city populated by 20,000 rather than a theme park Lifestyle
Poland’s Moszna: From a Knights Templar shelter to a 99-spire castle favored by Kaiser Wilhelm Glamour
Terry, the ultra-professional canine actor who played Toto, earned more than most of “The Wizard of Oz” cast Glamour
Most of Bob Ross’s 30,000 “happy little trees and clouds” were donated to charity and fundraisers Lifestyle
A pollination technique invented by a 12-year-old slave on the island of Réunion is why we have vanilla today News
The Terror of South China: Madame Ching was a prostitute who became a highly successful, feared pirate captain Lifestyle