The touching story of Jennie Louise Hansen, the Titanic survivor who literally ran out of tears Strangeness
The Senator: The biggest and oldest bald cypress tree in the world was burned to the ground by a crystal meth addict Strangeness
Dating to 5th Century B.C, the Pazyryk carpet is considered to be the oldest in the world Strangeness
Q’iswa Chaka: The last remaining Inca rope bridge in Peru is rebuilt every year by local villagers Abandoned Spaces Strangeness
The word “sergeant” comes from the French word “sergent,” meaning “a servant, valet or court official” Strangeness
Prora: The 10,000 room Nazi resort complex without a single guest ever accommodated Abandoned Spaces Strangeness
Heddal stave church is the largest in Norway, and according to a legend it was built in three days by five farmers Interiors Strangeness