“Titanic Orphans”- Brothers put on the last lifeboat by their father.Sadly, he went down with the ship … Strangeness
The magnificent light at Chicago Union Station resulted from an air raid precaution during WWII Strangeness
Meet Type 3 – The Peugeot’s first model to be mass-produced,& first with an internal combustion engine Self-Propelled
Rudolph Valentino- portraits of the “Latin Lover,” an early pop icon & sex symbol of the 1920s Glamour
Bride’s Hill- Alabama Plantation house is one of the earliest surviving examples of the Tidewater-type cottage Abandoned Spaces
Vindolanda tablets are the oldest surviving Roman handwritten documents discovered in Britain News Strangeness
The Soviet Union captured almost 3 million German POWs and many of them died in custody or were used as forced labor News