For three months in 1964, Vladimir Nabokov wrote down his dreams every morning, pursuing a theory that time flows backward News
Siberian mystery: In 1908 the most powerful explosion in documented history flattened millions of trees Strangeness
French photographer portrays superheroes & villains as if they were 16th century paintings News Glamour Lifestyle Vintage Hollywood
When Rudolph Valentino died in 1926, over 100,000 people swarmed the streets of New York City in riots during the funeral and several women committed suicide News Glamour Vintage Hollywood
The Trojan War was just one major event at the city of Troy, rebuilt many times over Abandoned Spaces Battlefields News
The 16th century “Black Legend” propaganda demonizing Spain was helpful to its many rivals News Strangeness
Olivia Newton-John followed “Grease” with “Xanadu,” a box-office flop that earned some of the first nominations for the Razzies News Glamour Vintage Hollywood
In its long life, the Greek Parthenon was used as a church and then a mosque News Interiors Strangeness
Disney initially wanted ABBA to do the soundtrack for “The Lion King,” but they weren’t available so it went to Elton John News
Families of Titanic’s musicians were billed the cost of uniforms after the ship’s sinking News Self-Propelled Strangeness