Reagan, inspired by film “The Day the Earth Stood Still,” asked Gorbachev to stop the Cold War in the event of an alien invasion, and the Soviet leader agreed Strangeness Battlefields News
The reason John F. Kennedy kept a battered coconut shell on his desk in the Oval Office News Battlefields Interiors Strangeness
The surprising truth behind the classic V-J Day photo of a sailor passionately embracing a nurse Battlefields Glamour Lifestyle Strangeness
Spy Game: When Soviet schoolchildren presented Ambassador Averell Harriman with a replica of the Great Seal of the U.S. in 1945, there was a listening device inside Strangeness Battlefields News
Because Stanislav Petrov reported a computer malfunction in 1983, we know him today as “The man who saved the world” Battlefields Strangeness
A “Super Mercedes” that Hitler used receives a $7 million bid at auction, but that was not enough Battlefields Lifestyle News Strangeness
Vogelsang, East Germany: How a bucolic village became a Soviet nuclear missile base with warheads pointed at NATO nations Abandoned Spaces Battlefields News Self-Propelled
The medieval tapestry depicting the Battle of Hastings is to leave France and head for England for first time in 950 years Battlefields Interiors News Strangeness
The tragic U.S.S. Indianapolis, missing for 72 years, found on Pacific floor 18,000 feet below surface News Battlefields Self-Propelled Strangeness