The Giant Norias of Hama: 17 magnificently engineered water wheels believed to date to the 4th century BC Featured
The Dreyfus affair, one of the tensest political dramas in France, for which Emil Zola wrote “J’Accuse…!” Featured
The Sicilian bar in “The Godfather” where Michael Corleone learns Apollonia’s name still open for business Featured News
The hurdy-gurdy, an instrument that dates back to medieval times was a favorite of French kings Featured
Corpses found in bogs unusually well preserved, and sometimes yield clues of ritual sacrifice and punishment Featured News
The Sri Shambulingeshwara Swamy temple to be dismantled and moved, to prevent being swamped again Featured News
The ancient desert oasis of Petra was rediscovered after being abandoned 1,500 years ago Featured News
Sayhuite Stone: The mystery of the giant rock containing more than 200 geometric and zoomorphic figures Featured News