The Derringer: the smallest hand gun which is best known for the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln Featured News
“For sale: baby shoes, never worn” – Did or did not Hemingway wrote the shortest, saddest story of six words Strangeness Featured
Purchased as a gift for Empress Catherine the Great, the Peacock Clock is the only large example of 18th century robotics to have survived unaltered into the 21st century News Featured
A retired carpenter has provided a plausible solution to a 3000-year-old architectural mystery Featured News
Tomb raiders aside, the Cave of Skulls may hold the secrets of the sacred Dead Sea Scrolls Featured News
Start Point Lighthouse: The bright white lighthouse was built in 1836 to protect shipping off Start Point in south Devon, England Featured News
Monty Python and the Holy Grail was mostly shot on historical locations in Scotland and England Featured News