“The Power of Love” is a silent movie from 1922 and it is the first 3D movie in the world Glamour Strangeness
The Fargo Theater: An Art Deco movie theater that has served as an icon of downtown Fargo since its construction News Glamour
Percy Bysshe Shelley was a Romantic poet loved by three sisters: Fanny Imlay, Claire Clairmont and Mary Shelley Glamour Lifestyle
Spooky: Giuseppe Tartini met the Devil in his dream, which inspired the Violin Sonata in G Minor Glamour Strangeness
Jim Morrison’s father, upon hearing the first “Doors” album, wrote a letter to his son : “Give up any idea of singing” Glamour
Joseph Grimaldi is the man who turned the role of the clown into the main character in the Harlequinades. … Glamour Lifestyle