In one French art museum, more than half of the paintings are now believed to be fakes or forgeries News
Dead Sea Scrolls news: imaging technology has helped researchers detect previously hidden text News Archeology
Hobby Lobby smuggling ring: how an arts-and-crafts chain got involved in a controversial purchase of more than 5,500 artifacts from the Sumerian civilization News
The decades-long mystery behind the “sailing stones” of Racetrack Playa in Death Valley may be solved News Strangeness
An Argentinean engineer could have developed a “rainmaking machine” as early as the 1930s, though there’s no trace of it today Strangeness News Self-Propelled
Archaeologists uncover world’s largest child-sacrifice site in coastal Peru Archeology Lifestyle Strangeness
First Titanic menu, listing options such as Spring Lamb and Pudding Sans Souci, fetched about $140,000 at an auction News
Jack the Ripper “warning” postcard auctions for $30,000 but no one can confirm that he sent, or any other letters News
The future Elizabeth I was cast off and virtually forgotten about as a child by King Henry VIII, forcing her governess to write letters begging for clothes News
An archaeological dig on the Swedish island of Öland reveals a massacre that happened 1,500 years ago News