A tale of two ghost clubs: Both were devoted to discussion of the paranormal, Charles Dickens and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle among the members Strangeness Glamour Interiors
In search of Monty Python’s Killer Rabbit and Wooden Witch Glamour Abandoned Spaces Vintage Hollywood
“Of course it’s not a pipe.” The flawless logic behind the paintings of René Magritte News Lifestyle Strangeness
The Trojan War was just one major event at the city of Troy, rebuilt many times over Abandoned Spaces Battlefields News
Pepsi’s “Number Fever” in the Philippines caused street riots, deaths, and 14 years of lawsuit News Strangeness
Salvador Dalí’s house in Spain is, fortunately, just as bizarre as you would expect Interiors Glamour Lifestyle News
Theda Bara – Creator of “The Vamp” Look and Persona and Early Screen Legend Glamour Vintage Hollywood
The Papin Sisters and the murder case that still haunts France after more than 80 years Strangeness News
Operation Vegetarian: in 1942, the British planned on killing millions of Germans by dropping anthrax onto their pastures Battlefields News Strangeness
From Ziggy Stardust to Lazarus, the late David Bowie’s passion for space travel and science fiction revealed a search for the meaning of life News Glamour Lifestyle Strangeness Vintage Hollywood