Nazi treasures hidden with Catskills, can anyone solve the clues that were left behind? Featured News
The earliest historical record of pillow use is from about 7000 BCE in the ancient civilization of Mesopotamia Strangeness
The marathon runner Shizo Kanakuri, completed an Olympic marathon after 54 years Lifestyle News Strangeness
Fish Wheels: They were so effective and therefore banned in the United States because they threatened the salmon population News Featured
In ancient Persia, engineers developed a type of wind and water cooled ice house that could keep its contents frozen even in the desert summer News Strangeness
In 1911 Ishi emerged from the wilderness in California, he was the last member of his tribe and also “the last wild Indian” News Strangeness
The first winner of the 1904 Olympics marathon used a car, the second used drugs. It was the wildest race ever! News