Tasting wine from 150 year-old Civil War shipwreck Mary-Celestia – hints of crab & gasoline Abandoned Spaces
USS New York, built with 24 tons of steel salvaged from the World Trade Center to commemorate the victims of 9/11 Self-Propelled
Nottingham hides a network of ancient man-made caves used as a tannery, house cellars & air raid shelters … Abandoned Spaces
While NASA spent a large amount of money developing the Space Pen, the Soviets just used pencils Administrative corner Featured
The first flight attendants were all registered nurses, this requirement disappeared when many nurses left to enlist during WWII Glamour
The Ovitz family – A whole family of dwarfs who survived imprisonment at the Auschwitz concentration camp Administrative corner
Apollo 11 lunar samples bag the focus of legal dispute after it was stolen and sold by former Space Center director Featured News