Wacko Story: Pacific island cult who worship the spirit of an American WWII soldier they hope he’ll return with Coca-Cola, TVs … Strangeness
Teufelsberg – abandoned NSA listening post on Berlin’s artificial hill named “Devil’s Mountain” Abandoned Spaces
The Duckett’s Grove: A spectacular 19th-century ruin and one of the most photogenic historic buildings in Ireland News Abandoned Spaces
Beautiful examples of the tomahawk – Axe created by Algonquian Indians in Native America often employed as a thrown weapon Strangeness
Ice Age Giants – global warming and hunting pushed Saber-Toothed Tigers & Giant Sloths to extinction Featured News
Arizona’s wild west: Goldfield is a ghost town in Arizona made up of reconstructed buildings built in the 1980s and ’90s Featured Abandoned Spaces
The USS Philadelphia is the oldest intact warship currently on display in North America. … Self-Propelled Abandoned Spaces