Evil emerged from Pandora’s jar, not box as we’ve believed, and it might be the fault of Erasmus News Interiors Strangeness
Hever Castle, home of Queen Anne Boleyn, restored by an American in early 20th century Interiors Strangeness
The 400-year-old Angel Oak is one of the most remarkable living things east of the Mississippi News Interiors Lifestyle Strangeness
The ruins of a Scottish castle which was struck by lightning and completely abandoned Abandoned Spaces Interiors
Cowry shell coins: an ancient monetary system based on sea shells used on almost every continent Strangeness Interiors Lifestyle News
The Bath House: One of the best-preserved Roman remains in the world Abandoned Spaces Interiors Strangeness
Musicians’ outcry: 17th century viol worth $200,000 severely damaged during a flight News Glamour Interiors Lifestyle Strangeness
The Lost Gardens of Heligan in Cornwall, restored after decades of neglect News Glamour Interiors Lifestyle Strangeness
City of Caves: The hidden world of man-made caves beneath the streets of Nottingham News Archeology Interiors Strangeness
The Museum of Icelandic Sorcery and Witchcraft holds the secrets of a long tradition of magic Interiors Lifestyle News Strangeness
In Croaker, Virginia, a farm holds 43 colossal busts of all former U.S. presidents, some with missing noses Abandoned Spaces Battlefields Interiors Lifestyle News Strangeness