Two centuries after his birth, people taking a close look at the controversial legacy of Karl Marx News
In one French art museum, more than half of the paintings are now believed to be fakes or forgeries News
Dead Sea Scrolls news: imaging technology has helped researchers detect previously hidden text News Archeology
Hobby Lobby smuggling ring: how an arts-and-crafts chain got involved in a controversial purchase of more than 5,500 artifacts from the Sumerian civilization News
The decades-long mystery behind the “sailing stones” of Racetrack Playa in Death Valley may be solved News Strangeness
An Argentinean engineer could have developed a “rainmaking machine” as early as the 1930s, though there’s no trace of it today Strangeness News Self-Propelled
First Titanic menu, listing options such as Spring Lamb and Pudding Sans Souci, fetched about $140,000 at an auction News
Jack the Ripper “warning” postcard auctions for $30,000 but no one can confirm that he sent, or any other letters News
The future Elizabeth I was cast off and virtually forgotten about as a child by King Henry VIII, forcing her governess to write letters begging for clothes News
An archaeological dig on the Swedish island of Öland reveals a massacre that happened 1,500 years ago News