Fingal’s Cave: One of the most unique caves on the island of Staffa that has inspired everyone from John Keats, Jules Verne to Pink Floyd News Featured
“Sir: I am a child of love, it is true. You are a child of obligation.” – said the Colombian president Marco Fidel Suárez during a debate in Congress Lifestyle News
Before the Columbian Exchange there were no tomatoes in Italy and no paprika in Hungary Administrative corner Featured News
Albert I, King of the Belgians – personally led the defense against the Germans and the Queen served as a nurse News Featured
The Pirate Cemetery of Madagascar. Ile Sainte-Marie was the off-season home of an estimated 1,000 pirates News Abandoned Spaces Featured
Dating back to the 12th Century, China’s Guangji Bridge is the first pontoon bridge in the world Featured News
Discoveries show that Vikings and their family were buried with favorite board games: used to entertain themselves in the afterlife Featured News