Dating from the early medieval period, the Londesborough Brooch is a Celtic pseudo-penannular brooch from Ireland, elaborate example of a dress fastener News Strangeness
Comanche-The most famous horse in western history and the only survivor of the Custer Massacre in 1876 … News Featured
Dating to the 1st & 2nd centuries AD, The Vindolanda tablets are the oldest surviving Roman handwritten documents discovered in Britain … News Strangeness
Is King Arthur buried in a field in Shropshire? Historian claims he may have located the tomb of the King Featured News
Discovered in 1857 the Seax of Beagnoth – a 10th-century Anglo-Saxon single-edged knife, a prestigious weapon News
This abandoned and never finished “City of Toys” in Consonno was almost Italy’s own Las Vegas News Abandoned Spaces