In a place inhabited by polar bears, a scientist finds oldest evidence of life on Earth News Strangeness
On the Isle of Skye, researchers have discovered 60 million year old minerals, never before seen on Earth News Strangeness
The Moberly–Jourdain incident: In 1901, two female academics claimed to have experienced a timeslip into pre-revolutionary France Strangeness Interiors News
Mystery: Hours before his death, Edgar Allan Poe was found in the gutter, disheveled and raving Strangeness Glamour News
Nine Soviet hikers who fled their tent one night and died: the mystery of the Dyatlov Pass Strangeness
“I see that you have made three spelling mistakes,” remarked Marquis de Favras when he read his death warrant News Strangeness
In Victorian London, small green huts built to prevent horse drawn cab drivers from drinking on duty Interiors News Self-Propelled Strangeness
The Stronsay Beast: In 1808, a strange carcass washed ashore on the Scottish island of Stronsay Strangeness News
The Collyer brothers were found amid 120 tons of belongings, including 250,000 books and several bowling balls, in their Fifth Avenue mansion Strangeness Glamour Interiors Lifestyle