Timothy Dexter: The dislikeable man who sold coal to Newcastle, faked his funeral, and then caned his wife for not weeping at it Strangeness Lifestyle News
Hever Castle, home of Queen Anne Boleyn, restored by an American in early 20th century Interiors Strangeness
The Ted Bundy enigma: A law student and suicide-hotline volunteer who was a serial killer Strangeness
It took many years for master magician Harry Kellar to perfect the Levitation of Princes Karnac Strangeness News
The Swimming Reindeer sculpture of 13,000 years ago shows imagination and artistry News Archeology Interiors Strangeness
Apple-1, Steve Wozniak’s hand-built creation, was Apple’s first official product, priced at $666.66 Strangeness Interiors Lifestyle
With thanks to the Dark Web, a 17th century letter from Satan to a nun is deciphered News Strangeness
Atacama Desert: The driest place on Earth hides a giant hand reaching for the sky Strangeness Abandoned Spaces