Cambodia’s Angkor Wat used far greater amounts of stone than all the Egyptian pyramids combined Strangeness
The Great Pyramid of Giza was once covered in highly polished white limestone before it was removed to build mosques and fortresses Strangeness
Chillingham Castle in Northumberland: a centuries-old witness of wars, deaths, and tortures Strangeness
Thousands of witch doctors registered in Tanzania, where witchcraft is a part of everyday life Strangeness
Swing Kids: The brave youth subculture in 1930s Germany that opposed the regime by dancing to “degenerate” jazz and swing Strangeness
Mental breakdowns, substance abuse, an obese Marlon Brando: Welcome to “Apocalypse Now,” the film that nearly killed both Francis Coppola and Martin Sheen Strangeness
When Julius Caesar brought the first giraffe to Europe, the perplexed Romans called it a “cameleopard” Strangeness
Vaporwave: A retro-futuristic subculture that waxes nostalgic for the 1990s while mocking smooth jazz elevator music … Strangeness
Henbane: Egyptians smoked it, witches used it for “flying ointment,” and it poisoned Hamlet’s father … Strangeness