Funny 19th century Japanese prints depicting famous western inventors, philosophers, and scientists Strangeness
The Queen’s Hamlet: Marie-Antoinette’s fairy tale Rustic Village at Versailles, where she loved to act like a “simple peasant” Strangeness
Guy de Maupassant ate lunch everyday at the base of The Eiffel Tower, because that was the only place in Paris from which he could not see it … Strangeness
The Octobass- An extremely large bowed string instrument that was first built around 1850 Strangeness
Victor Hugo wrote “The Hunchback of Notre Dame” to raise awareness of undervalued Gothic architecture in Paris Strangeness
Amish dolls are left faceless, possibly to emphasize that “all are alike in the eyes of God” Strangeness
Emperor Nero’s Golden Palace had a room with a rotating ceiling that dropped perfume and rose petals down on its inhabitants Strangeness
Sales tax tokens – during the Great Depression, people used small “coins” worth fractions of a cent to avoid paying too much extra sales tax on small purchases due to rounding Strangeness