The dog that played Toto in The Wizard of Oz was paid a salary that was higher than the actors who played the Munchkins Glamour Strangeness
In the ’60s octopus wrestling was a popular sport – a diver would fight an octopus & drag it to the surface Strangeness
No Dog Allowed:Lord Byron at Trinity College kept a pet bear instead as there were no rules against having one Strangeness News
The combination of inexpensive geothermal power and high prices for imported fruit led to Iceland using the warmth from lava to grow banana trees Strangeness
One of Britain’s oldest and most obscure destinations – The Petrifying Well of Knaresborough turns objects into stone Strangeness
J.R.R. Tolkien asked his wife to marry him by mail after no having communication with her for 5 years, meanwhile she was already engaged to another man Strangeness
In 1911, eleven & seven year old brothers rode on horseback from NYC to San Francisco in 62 days Strangeness
Violet Jessop – “Miss Unsinkable” who survived the sinking of RMS Titanic, the HMHS Britannic and the collision of RMS Olympic Lifestyle Strangeness