Dating to the 1st & 2nd centuries AD, The Vindolanda tablets are the oldest surviving Roman handwritten documents discovered in Britain … News Strangeness
Lee Van Cleef, the “Bad” from Leone’s spaghetti western, was in fact a WWII veteran Glamour Strangeness
Dating back to 1570 – Whitechapel Bell Foundry is the oldest manufacturing company in U.K, known for the “Liberty Bell” and Big Ben Strangeness
Mass mammoth grave found in Siberia – contains around 550 bones from the massive creatures Featured News Strangeness
Invented in 1865, Hansen Writing Ball is the world’s first commercially produced typewriter Strangeness
The Valley of the Dead- The Fontanelle cemetery in Naples was a depository for every major epidemic starting with the plague of 1685 News Strangeness