During WWII, these “Paradummies“ descended like real parachutists with a self-igniting explosive charge on their backs News Strangeness
The library of color- In the Harvard Art Museum you can find 2,500 pigment samples from all corners of the world Strangeness
Scold’s bridle- The gruesome medieval torture instrument worn to deter women from gossiping … Strangeness
Photos of female asylum patients by a Victorian psychiatrist who used photography to analyze mental disorders Strangeness
The U.S. had “Backpack Nukes” that would be carried to battlefields during the cold war. … Strangeness
Exploring the Antarctic back in 1914- Historic photos show the epic Endurance Expedition … Strangeness
Malaysia is searching for mystery owner who abandoned three Boeing 747 at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) … Strangeness