The popular “pirate accent” is based on Robert Newton’s performance in the movie “Treasure Island” Strangeness Vintage Hollywood
John Wayne, Susan Hayward, and 90 other people developed cancer after filming “The Conqueror” near a nuclear testing site Vintage Hollywood News Strangeness
George Lucas, inspired by a Canadian director, created the concept of the Force to awaken spirituality in young audiences Vintage Hollywood Lifestyle News Strangeness
The artist behind the iconic Uncle Sam wants YOU poster was more interested in pretty women than politics Strangeness Glamour Vintage Hollywood
Steve McQueen Tried to Buy Back his Classic “Bullitt” Mustang – New Owner Refused Cars Vintage Hollywood
The story of ‘Beauty and the Beast’ is as old as time, though in early versions Beauty’s own family was cold and cruel Interiors Lifestyle News Strangeness Vintage Hollywood
Virtually cut off from the rest of the world – The Valley of Longevity where a 100 years of age is nothing new Abandoned Spaces Strangeness Vintage Hollywood
Comedian Richard Pryor hooked up with actor Marlon Brando, Pryor’s widow confirms Glamour Lifestyle Strangeness Vintage Hollywood
Ingrid Bergman’s Spouse Would Not Grant a Divorce Despite Her Many Affairs Glamour Lifestyle Vintage Hollywood
Creating the character of E.T. for Spielberg’s hit movie required $1.5 million, a young actor born without legs, and a two-pack-a-day smoker Vintage Hollywood Lifestyle Strangeness
The Beach Boys sang about a California culture of sun and sand in the 1960s but didn’t actually like to surf themselves News Glamour Lifestyle Strangeness Vintage Hollywood
Despite what everyone thinks, bank heists were almost nonexistent in the Wild West Strangeness Lifestyle News Vintage Hollywood