Lady Mary Bankes defended her castle for three years with her daughters and maids, throwing hot coal and buckets of boiling water on the attackers News Featured
There is a church in Rome lined with skeletons and a plaque that reads, “What you are now, we once were; what we are now, you shall be.” Strangeness
The eerie ghost fleet at Suisun Bay: A collection of U.S. Navy and merchant reserve vessels that has been in the bay since the end of World War II News Abandoned Spaces
The woman who invented the chocolate chip cookies gave the recipe to Nestlé in return for a lifetime supply of chocolate Featured
Thomas Jefferson owned a sheep and kept it in front of the White House where it attacked several people and killed a small boy in 1808 Strangeness
The Queen’s Hamlet: Peek inside Marie-Antoinette’s fairy tale Rustic Village at Versailles, where she loved to act like a “simple peasant” Strangeness