6 Things you might not know about Emperor Akihito and Japan’s monarchy News Administrative corner Featured Lifestyle
The biggest and oldest bald cypress tree in the world was burned to the ground by a meth addict Strangeness
The exact place where King Harold fell in the Battle of Hastings has now been confirmed by the historians Featured News
In 1784 a Japanese farmer discovered a gold seal, it turned out to be 95% pure gold and was a gift from the Chinese Emperor to a Japanese envoy from 54 CE News Strangeness
In 845 the Vikings sacked Paris and did not leave until King Charles the Bald paid them 5,670 lbs of silver and gold News
The heaviest communist monument on Earth: The Founders of the Bulgarian State Monument in Shumen Featured News
The Moeraki Boulders – Mysteriously spherical stones in New Zealand, formed about 60 million years ago Strangeness News
Russia’s Star City: Once a secret Soviet city where cosmonauts have lived & trained since the 1960s News Featured
Aztec trophy rack made of human skulls discovered under a colonial House in Mexico City Featured News