Hollywood “tough guy” actor Humphrey Bogart was a male victim of domestic violence, his third wife once stabbed him in the shoulder & threatened him with a pistol at a party. Glamour Strangeness
Albert Einstein wrote a quote in 1938 and placed it in a time capsule to be opened in 6939 Strangeness
Back in the 1960s, Uzbekistan’s city Moynaq has turned into a graveyard of ships and it is considered one of the creepiest places on Earth News Abandoned Spaces
The Bo-Kaap: This bright and colourful neighbourhood in Cape Town has a rich Cape Malay culture with roots as old as Cape Town itself News Featured
The stunning Storkyrkan or “The Great Church“ is the oldest church in Gamla Stan, Sweden, dating back to the 13th century News Interiors
Operating from 1897 to 1964, Steeplechase was Coney Island’s longest lasting amusement park News Featured
Well-preserved 18th-century ruin, standing in isolation: The Devil’s Farmhouse in Malta News Abandoned Spaces
Montreal’s oldest chapel, known as “Sailors Church“, where small model ships hung from the ceiling, offered by sailors in gratitude News Interiors
Secret London: Execution Dock was used for more than 400 years in London to execute pirates Strangeness