How Harley and his childhood friend Arthur Davidson created their “first” motorcycle in 1903 Self-Propelled
The Fremont Troll – a massive sculpture hidden beneath the Aurora Bridge and clutching an actual Volkswagen Beetle News Featured
This 17-year- old girl amazingly transforms herself into classic, glamorous women from yesteryear Glamour
A Polish priest imprisoned in Auschwitz volunteered to take the place of a complete stranger sentenced to death. The man he replaced survived Auschwitz & lived until 1995 News
Building a bridge between the seas- These photos show the construction of Panama Canal 1881-1914 Strangeness
Hitchcock’s leading lady, pride of Hollywood & Princess of Monaco- photos of the irreplaceable Grace Kelly Glamour
The strange looking WWII fighter interceptor that you may not know of: XP-56 Black Bullet Self-Propelled