35,000-years-old pin up: The Venus of Hohle Fels is is the oldest statue depicting a woman’s figure News
1st document case of child abuse: Reported to an animal welfare organisation as animal had rights beofre children did News
A secret Underwater Ballroom, built in the 1800s, tells a story of a doomed Victorian fraudster Abandoned Spaces
WWII deserters the US Army tried to hide: the 2013 book revealed how gangs of AWOL GIs terrorized Paris with a reign of mob-style violence Featured News
The women who took care of farming during WWII-Interesting photos show the lives of the Womens Land Army during wartime Lifestyle Strangeness
“Roundhay Garden Scene” recorded in 1888, is believed to be the oldest surviving film in existence News
Fascinating photos of the White House being gutted & rebuilt – note the passage to the nuclear bunker News