An alligator, a cursing parrot, a pair of white mice, a badger, and opossums–the weirdest pets of U.S. presidents News
“The Rock That Tells a Story”: Native American petroglyphs in Utah and Arizona depict lives of centuries ago Strangeness
A 16th-century fortified Scottish castle was invaded and ransacked by a tiny masked marauder—a badger Archeology Interiors Lifestyle Strangeness
In the 19th century, Lithuanians smuggled books in an act of rebellion against Russian control Lifestyle Strangeness
Scotland’s Isle of Skye reveals landmark dinosaur footprints dated to the Middle Jurassic era Archeology News
The Tiny Cell called “Little Ease” was the Most Feared Room in the Tower of London Strangeness Abandoned Spaces
The Private Scandals that Followed the Rebellious Creator of Pippi Longstocking Lifestyle Strangeness
The Egtved Girl, found in Denmark in 1921, was a true Bronze Age traveler of high status, with a sense of fashion too News Archeology
An invitation to a 100 A.D. birthday party is among the Vindolanda tablets, oldest surviving Roman handwritten documents in Britain Archeology News