Astronauts on Apollo missions left on the Moon five U.S. flags, two golf balls, and a startling amount of refuse Abandoned Spaces Lifestyle Strangeness
In 1st century A.D., Hero of Alexandria designed the first vending machine–it dispensed holy water after insertion of a coin News Self-Propelled Strangeness
In 1980, Mount St. Helens volcanic eruption claimed 57 lives, from photographers to an innkeeper News
Three merchant ships from 1700s discovered buried underneath a single block in Alexandria, Virginia News
Greetings! The high five and the fist bump are 20th century, but the first handshake dates to 5th century B.C. Greece, as way to prove you were weapon free Archeology Lifestyle Strangeness
Only 10 men finished the first Boston Marathon in 1897, an homage to a legendary Greek soldier who ran 24.5 miles—and died Lifestyle Strangeness
“We want pockets”: The Rational Dress Society and its campaign for practical clothing for women Fashion