Heddal stave church is the largest in Norway, and according to a legend it was built in three days by five farmers Interiors Strangeness
Amsterdam’s Museum of Bags and Purses owns an impressive collection of over 5,000 items from five centuries Interiors Glamour News
Urbano Monte’s authentic depiction of the world in the 16th century, mythical creatures included, assembled for first time since its creation News Lifestyle Strangeness
Evil emerged from Pandora’s jar, not box as we’ve believed, and it might be the fault of Erasmus News Interiors Strangeness
The Yakhchāl was an ancient Persian “refrigerator” that stored food and even ice long before electricity was invented Interiors Strangeness
Musicians’ outcry: 17th century viol worth $200,000 severely damaged during a flight News Glamour Interiors Lifestyle Strangeness
The British Museum Citole: One of the most remarkable extant medieval instruments dating from the early 14th Century News
The real-life wiseguys behind Scorsese’s “GoodFellas,” who pulled off the multi-million Lufthansa heist News Vintage Hollywood
Rocky Mountain Rendezvous: These 19th century fur trade gatherings turned into wild wilderness parties News Strangeness