Barefoot and starved, Spartan boys underwent grueling combat training to join the most formidable army of all time News Strangeness
The “lethal beauty” of Evelyn Nesbit and the very first “trial of the century” Glamour Lifestyle News Strangeness
A college archivist cataloging old books found an almanac with strands of George Washington’s gray hair tucked in an envelope News
After almost 80 years, 31 rolls of film discovered showing World War II through the lens of an unknown American soldier Battlefields Lifestyle News Self-Propelled Strangeness
Neanderthal artists believed responsible for 65,000-year-old paintings in Spain, which leads to new thinking about Neanderthals’ sophistication News Strangeness
“Blind Tom” – Born a Slave, at Age 10 Became the Highest Paid Pianist of his Time Lifestyle Strangeness
Monks with expertise: Lindores Abbey in Scotland is the spiritual cradle of whisky Abandoned Spaces Strangeness
Why America fell in love with joke-filled burlesque in the 19th century, long before it transformed into striptease Glamour Lifestyle