“Little Edie,” Jackie Kennedy’s cousin, was a model and socialite before she lived in isolation with her mother in the Grey Gardens mansion for 20 years Strangeness Lifestyle
A massive wall at Cal Orcko in southern Bolivia reveals more than 5,000 dinosaur footsteps News Archeology Strangeness
DNA tests of remains believed to be that of a yeti, also called the Abominable Snowman, turned out not to be an ape Strangeness News
Bottle discovered in a 350 AD Roman grave, never opened, still contains wine News Archeology Interiors
Vochol- The Volkswagen Beetle decorated with more than 2 million glass beads Self-Propelled Strangeness
That time when the US Delta Force blasted Van Halen, The Clash, and AC/DC’s music for three days to force Manuel Noriega out of the Vatican Embassy News Strangeness
Radium Girls, female factory workers exposed to radium poisoning without their knowledge, were even encouraged to lick radium paintbrushes Strangeness
Clark Gable never recovered from the tragic death of his wife, Carole Lombard, in a plane crash Glamour
A crazy if unconsummated 1965 love triangle starring Andy Warhol, Edie Sedgwick, and Bob Dylan ended tragically Glamour News
The year 1816, the “Year Without a Summer,” saw floods, food riots, gorgeous sunsets, and “Frankenstein” News Strangeness