Simon & Garfunkel’s “Mrs. Robinson,” originally titled “Mrs. Roosevelt” as a tribute to Eleanor Roosevelt, was reworked for “The Graduate” Glamour News
The traveling Sutherland Sisters: Seven women and 37 feet of hair between them Strangeness News Vintage Hollywood
Mystery: Hours before his death, Edgar Allan Poe was found in the gutter, disheveled and raving Strangeness Glamour News
Steampunk triumphs in the Neverwas Haul, a Victorian house on wheels inspired by science fiction novels Strangeness Interiors
Johnny Stompanato, Lana Turner’s gangster boyfriend, was jealous of her co-star, Sean Connery, and tried to do something about it Glamour Vintage Hollywood
Digital reconstruction reveals an 18th century Scottish woman condemned as a witch–and she has “quite a kind face” News Strangeness
Before the Cultural Revolution, many Iranian women followed fashion trends, wore makeup, and favored elaborate hair styles Fashion Lifestyle Strangeness
When John Gotti ordered the murder of his boss, “Big Paul” Castellano, outside Sparks Steak House, it became “the hit of the century” Strangeness News Vintage Hollywood
One of the last autographs John Lennon signed was on December 8, 1980, the day he died, and it was at the request of his murderer Strangeness Vintage Hollywood
Edith Head, Hollywood’s legendary costume designer, created dresses for everyone from Barbara Stanwyck to Grace Kelly Fashion Glamour Vintage Hollywood
Why questions linger about Natalie Wood’s 1981 drowning death off Catalina Island Vintage Hollywood Glamour Lifestyle News Strangeness