The magnificent Alnwick Castle, Hogwarts School of Magic, Witchcraft and Wizardry in the Harry Potter films, has been home to Percy family since 13th century Interiors Glamour
Strange but True: Mustache March is when then USAF gives a nod to one of its heroes, Robin Olds, a highly decorated WW2 & Vietnam triple ace News
The Story of Ishi, the last member of the Yahi tribe widely acclaimed in his time as the “last wild Indian” in America Strangeness
At her first recital, 12-year-old Nina Simone refused to start singing after her parents were moved from the front row to make room for whites News
Cult classic “Casablanca,” nearly 80 years old, had a cast of war refugees, an unwritten ending, and a moody romantic hero two inches shorter than his leading lady Glamour
The Hole-in-the Wall hideout was the favorite hiding place for the Old West outlaw gangs Featured News
Boy, the “magical” dog of prince Rupert of the Rhine, listed as the the first dog to serve the British Army Strangeness