Don’t mess with the IRS: Famed party palace Studio 54 was shuttered after its owner taunted the government and bragged, “Only the mafia makes more money” Glamour
In “Dr. No,” Jack Lord won praise as a suave and smart CIA agent, but he bowed out of Bond series because he wanted Felix Leiter and James Bond to be equals Glamour
During the Great Depression, Canadian Prime Minister Richard Bennett secretly sent his own money to needy families Featured News
Heddal stave church is the largest in Norway, and according to a legend it was built in three days by five farmers Interiors Strangeness
Beijing has a 20,000-acre secret underground city, Dìxià Chéng, that was built during the Cold War by 300,000 people digging by hand News
The bad news is the alleged “yeti” remains are those of a bear, but the good news is researchers now understand more about Himalayan bears News
In 1980, chemist Glenn Seaborg solved a centuries-old problem in alchemy and turned a non-precious metal into gold News
Nine Soviet hikers who fled their tent one night and died: the mystery of the Dyatlov Pass Strangeness