The Rose of Hildesheim: A thousand-year rose that’s believed to be the oldest living rose in the world News
The 106-year-old mystery of Antarctica’s Blood Falls finally unveiled: Living organisms found frozen in a lake hidden beneath the glacier News Strangeness
Ketchup originated in China as a boiled-down brine of pickled fish and spices called ‘ke-chiap’ Strangeness
Inka Uyu – The Inca’s ‘mushroom’ stones which may have stood within a temple of fertility Abandoned Spaces
Emmett Kelly: The first sad hobo clown who was best-known for his character named “Weary Willie” Featured News
The lawless San Pedro prison in La Paz, Bolivia, where the laws are created by the inmates Lifestyle Interiors
Young Sean Connery earned the respect of a notorious Edinburgh gang by beating up six of its members at once News
Sir Isaac Newton spent the final years of his life hunting money counterfeiters and convicting them to death News
Carl Linnaeus wanted to create the “flower clock,” a garden that would tell the time through plants that open their flowers at different times of day News