Samuel Beckett, winner of the 1969 Nobel Prize in Literature used to drive Andre the Giant to school News
Louis XV’s roll-top secretary: One of the most luxurious creations of the 18th century & the most lavishly decorated desk ever News Featured
There was a sequel to the “Wizard of Oz” that was about Dorothy going into a mental hospital because nobody believed her adventure News
New documents reveal that Titanic rescuers tossed the bodies of 3rd-class passengers back into the sea News Featured
Famadihana is a bizarre funerary ritual in Madagascar during which people dig out the bodies of their dead and dance with them Strangeness News
Glenn Gould was an eccentric piano virtuoso who kept his childhood piano chair throughout his entire career News
Mishandled by treasure-hunters, the Nebra Sky Disk’s origin and purpose are still being debated, but the artifact remains one of the 20th-century’s most important archaeological discoveries Featured News
24,000-year-old evidence of an Ovodov horse, once thought extinct 400,000 years ago, has been unearthed in Siberia Featured News
The Dunaverney flesh-hook: An ornamental instrument for food serving and a unique symbol of authority from the Late Bronze Age News Featured