Rare find of Bronze Age treasures in Scotland contains metals not known to exist there naturally Featured News
Bret Easton Ellis’ novel “American Psycho” is sold shrink-wrapped in Australian bookstores to prevent minors from reading it News
Clara Zetkin- The German Marxist politician was one of the figures behind the first International Women’s Day in 1911 News
Jane Addams – Social worker, reformer, pacifist, woman’s suffrage advocate & Nobel Peace Prize holder News
Elisabetta Sirani became one of the most famous artists in Bologna and established an academy for women artists Featured News
Julia Domna was the second wife of the Roman Emperor Septimus Severus, during her lifetime she was one of the most powerful people in the Roman Empire Featured News
The ancient city Philippi was founded by the King Philip II and is considered to be the most important archaeological site of eastern Macedonia Abandoned Spaces News