Jim Morrison’s father, upon hearing the first “Doors” album, wrote a letter to his son : “Give up any idea of singing” Glamour
When Fidel Castro was 14-years-old he wrote a letter to Franklin Roosevelt & asked him for a 10 dollar bill News Featured
The 1854 cholera outbreak of Broad Street- everyone got sick except for those who drank beer instead of water Administrative corner
Carl Emil Pettersson – the Swedish sailor who became king of Tabar Island in Papua New Guinea Lifestyle Strangeness
Om Banna is a shrine in India where riders pray for a safe journey and worship a motorcycle Strangeness
The Skeleton Coast of Namibia is one of the harshest places on earth with ghostly remains of ships scattered along the shoreline News Featured
Geghard Monastery is a medieval monastery in Armenia named after the spear that stabbed Jesus Featured News
Vienna’s 19th-Century gigantic cylindrical Coal Gasometers turned into residential complexes News Featured